Monday, February 9, 2009

Time to make a proper announcement

Having announced the existence of my previous blog only a couple of months ago, I've been reluctant to announce this one lest people should be irritated by me. However, I like this one better because it's nice and smooth to work with and most people should be able to view it with ease. So, whether you have been reading this from the beginning (way back when I started this two weeks ago) or whether you have just joined me, 'Welcome to the better blog'.

Now I feel the need to communicate my every move and thought, and also know about other people's. I'm Twittering, Blogging and Facebooking and I daresay if another method of sharing my dull world with the universe should happen to come my way, I'll probably add that too. At least now I've got the three things I am using connected, so my one-line updates will be done through Twitter and in-depth stuff will be here. My goal is to get 'back' with my old friends in the UK and try to make it feel as though I'm not quite so far away, as well as step up communications with my local friends and stave off some of the cabin fever that the winter inevitably brings. However, what disappears with all this interconnection is the freedom to always write exactly what is in the forefront of one's mind because of fear of spoiling a surprise, causing offence or simply sharing Too Much Information. Fortunately most of my life is an open book so don't come here looking for scandal. There is a risk of this becoming simply a day by day description of the mundane and banal but since I'm interested in my people and I hope they are interested in me.

I've noticed that I use cliches and stock phrases way too much - to the point where I'm embarrassed to own them. In fact it means that actually I don't own them and that there is nothing original in my writing. (I do enjoy gathering snippets of wit to toss casually into conversation, passing them off as my own, but to actually write them down is another matter entirely.) I have many learned and talented friends who have had their writing and research published and whose books can be found on Amazon. I'm very proud of them and their hard work and quite surprised that such intelligentsia would have time for me. It makes me feel a bit inadequate because while they've been so busy, I've been faffing around and have little to show for my time - except a hundred and fifty unfinished projects.

I hope you enjoy the blog and I hope you will comment.
